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Ageless Wisdom: You Know What You know




You KNOW what you know…….


The vibration of your Knowing emanates from your core and affects your entire energy field.


 You know what you have experienced because  you’re aware  …… and because you know the ring of Truth .
And that Truth, yours, becomes what you stand for.
From that knowing, emerges thoughts and feelings you choose out of what you know.
Doubting what you know from personal experience blocks further knowing and, then, confidence, or, self-trust, because doubt disconnects the thought process from inner truth, the dimension of your real Self.  By contrast, self-trust results when thoughts express inner Truth.
To use a current example from a recent announcement…. When a supposed “expert,” announces that your Sun Sign is not your Sun Sign, and you begin to doubt the validity of your experience only because someone else sees things differently, you begin to disengage from your power that lies in your own Truth.
 If you doubt what you know, you loose self-trust and the power to have full control of all you are.  You loose access to You.
If you, however, remain open to your knowing, you will remain grounded within the center-point of your life energy, and, through self-trust, live by way of your best and infinite possibilities.

Only then can you know the Divine is established within you and can you have dominion over your life.


Life and  Cosmic Connection

The American astronomer’s announcement in early January, 2011, that there is a 13th astrological sign, went viral through the internet and air waves.  All the talk of the “13th” Constellation Ophiuchus, mistakenly called a sign, certainly shows how curious many people are about their inner connection with celestial activity.  More emails and calls came my way over this news story than anything else in more than  30 years as a Life Coach /Astrologer.

The Plane of the Ecliptic: Planets orbiting the Sun

This occurred as Jupiter (wisdom, knowledge) was about to leave Pisces (spiritual consciousness, higher awareness) on January 22 to enter Aries (our take charge, warrior-self that seeks truth and impetus to move forward).  Together with the retrograding of Saturn (brings up the past, delays, needs for setting things straight), this means that for at least 6 months there is bound to be more in the “mainstream” for clearing up common misconceptions and clarifying valid uses of astrology.

For you personally, some important decisions… See the end of this post for more astrological details.

What follows here should clear things up regarding the 13th Constellation….

The 13th Constellation

All the talk of the 13th Constellation Ophiuchus, mistakenly called a sign, certainly shows how curious many people are about their inner connection with celestial activity.  More emails and calls came my way over this news story than anything else in over 30 years of being an astrologer.

A few key facts will clear up your main  question: “What sign am I?”

  Any educated astronomer knows the information that follows here.  The one announcing the 13th sign has since tried to retract his statement.  Such things come up every so often as many scientists have lodged themselves in the left hemisphere of their brain to the exclusion of considering energetic, quantum field connections to celestial activity.  My next post will explain this.

 About the Zodiac and what it is

Earliest known records of Western Astrology are in Sumerian tablets, from about 3000 BCE. Recorded in the tablets were Sun/Moon movements in front of a background of stars.   (Sumerians lived in Mesopotamia— the combined areas of today’s Syria, Iraq, and Jordan.)

  • For thousands of years, the priestly class developed mathematics to calculate Sun, Moon, and planet positions.
  • Gradually, they identified star groups now known as constellations.
  • They observed what looked to them to be the Sun’s apparent pathway across the heavens as it rises in the east and sets in the west — today, called the ecliptic but recognized now as Earth’s pathway around the Sun.
“Pathway” of stars and planets observed from Earth perspective

About 500 BCE, Babylonian astrologers (in today’s Iraq) were calculating the first known horoscope.

Supported by centuries of observing effects of celestial occurrences and, by then, using more complex mathematics, they “divided” the heavens along the ecliptic path into 12 equal stationary areas,  each known to have separate and unique influences.  The divisions were first called “houses” and were used for noting positions of stars and planets moving through them as well as interpretation.

Later, these areas became known as “signs,” “Zodiac signs,” or ”the Zodiac Belt.” All together, these divisions formed a roughly 18-degree-wide belt-type arrangement as they conjoined the line of the ecliptic.

The Zodiac: (L) 12 Divisions–Areas of Influence … and … (R) Areas Charted on a Horoscope

The Babylonians knew of at least 18 constellations and Ophiuchus was among these.

Ophiuchus: showing small portion of its total area correlating with ecliptic

12 other constellations closely corresponded to the signs of the Zodiac—

Ophiuchus did not:

  • — it never significantly intersected the ecliptic…
  • — it never corresponded to one of the 12 segments, or, “signs”…
  • — it never was considered a Zodiacal constellation.

Ophiucus: barely touching Ecliptic line and extending far beyond the perimeter of the Zodiac Belt

For many hundreds of years, those 12 constellations correlated with the sign segments.
After more than 2000 years, constellation positions changed enough to position them partially “into” another sign.
  • The Zodiac signs correspond with the line of the ecliptic, remaining stationary and as developed historically.
  • Never were constellations and houses/signs thought to be one in the same.
  • Confusion likely resulted from the Greeks, hundreds of years later, applying the same deities’ names and myths to both the constellations and the signs, thus blurring elements of distinction between signs and constellations.
  • Constellations are not used in Western Astrology’s delineation of Horoscopes.
  • Key fact relating to a personal horoscope:  As can be seen in the 3rd image above showing the Zodiacal belt of the signs and a Horoscope, all signs are always present in every chart, not just a Sun sign.  The sign areas all together represent the aspects of human consciousness and are always a part of every Horoscope.  These areas are differently energized depending on planet placement at the time, date, and place used for the calculation…and, by this process is constructed a Horoscope chart used for interpretation of influences.

You Know What You Know…

Time to rely on your ring of truth as you test your visions and ideals of the last couple  of years and now take action on goals forming out of them.  Rely on what you know you most want so your truth will be your compass.

January 22, Jupiter moved out of Pisces & into Aries until June 5 …. Moved us out of our ideals and dreams (Pisces) and into our warrior spirit (Aries) to move us ahead into practical application (Jupiter opposes Saturn by sign all during this time) so there will be a constant testing of what is realistic, what is most worthwhile, what resources are needed, and what is worth the cost and what is not.  Activate that day-timer:  schedule activity reflecting plans and goals;  contact can-do people who will get on board to advance you toward fruition of your intents.

January 25, Saturn retrograded and will be in that slowed motion for until June 13…. It’s a learning time.  Refining your planning according to life priorities and allowing for delays and impediments are good ideas.  Consider the fine-tuning and additional solutions and creative inputs that “delays” give time for. Watch for rules, regulations, and authorities.  Good things and not-so-good “issues” can come up from the past.  You’ll compare and contrast the then and the now, giving opportunities for awareness and for better resolving things as you go.

These are exciting times filled with new oppportunities….                                                                                                    Be sure to contact me when ready to find out cosmic specifics for possibilities and optimal timing.

  1. Sandye Sievers
    February 3, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    Love it!

  2. Greg Undeen
    February 7, 2011 at 10:08 am

    Thanks for this Dolores! Ready for a reading when you can. Love and Light, Greg

  3. February 8, 2011 at 10:42 pm

    Very informative! Also, I really appreciate you addressing the 13th sign! There is a lot of bad information floating around. Keep up the great work. You are inspiring us all.

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