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Ageless Wisdom, Infinite You

I have long been wanting the perfect format to share ideas and create interactive environments through which all involved benefit.  This is that opportunity.  Primary life long interests for me have centered on individual  potential and the Divine Essence within.  I think synthesizing these is our journey.


Thoughts are things.  Literally.

I think by now we all pretty much embrace the idea that what we think is a big-time causative factor for how our lives go.  Did you know, though, that thinking is a neuro-chemical event in that molecules called neuro-peptides are not only produced by thought but also travel into every organ of the body… thus imbedding the chemical incoding of the thought?  We are, in fact, what we think.

We exist in a field of vibrations.  Just as Earth’s weather is affected by the Sun’s spots and the flow of ocean tides is directed by the position of the Moon, the substance of our bodies, feelings, and thoughts are constantly being acted upon by cosmic occurrences.  Understanding cosmic events enables greater self-understanding and gives a gage by which to time actions taken.

All things share in that field, interacting constantly. “Quantum Field” is today’s phrase for this field.

Effects on human behavior resulting from monthly new and full moons and eclipses are legendary.  At full moon time and lunar eclipses the Earth is positioned between the Moon and Sun, thus receiving a huge push-pull gravitational effect. Anyone working in an ER knows more accidents occur under full moons. Police know that criminal behavior increases under full moons.  Thoughts and feelings are constantly interacting with the cosmic vibrations, and, typically, the full moon time is one of heightened sensitivites.  The greater the imbalance in one’s psyche, the more likely the above stress examples; the greater the balance, the more deepened the insight.

You choose your thoughts and create ideas that support those choices…
and then your world forms to exactly reflect your thinking.

Are you buying into the OMG negativity of reportings on the economy?  After all, you’ve had your money problems so the doomsday thing must be right!  Internal brain conversation out of that can go down like this.. “OMG, it must be true… everyone I know is in trouble” (negativity IS such the drama queen!).. “OMG, that’s why my favorite restaurant closed.  OMG, now I have no where to eat.  OMG, I am going to starve to death.”  Negativity breeds worst scenarios. Doom sells. Don’t be a buyer.

Images you hold and stories you tell yourself are the basis for your choice of thoughts and actions.

Rather than being taken hostage by a moment of uncertainty, why not build the “smily-face” neuro-peptides out of possibilities– “Yep, there’s an economic shift, so new opportunities are being created.”

You choose– healthy, happy chemistry — or — unhealthy, stressed OMGs?

You have the 2 most inherently powerful tools known to person-kind:
1-Free will to choose …. and …. 2- Your infinite mind with the power to create.

Both are directed through the images you hold and the stories you tell yourself.  Once images are put into words,  you have started a fire that feeds on itself and fuels manifestation.

Eclipses are “change agents” bringing choices:


December 21, 2011– Full Moon, or, Lunar Eclipse: 6 months of influence … Key actions: Closing “doors”
Via the Moon in Sagittarius, Sun in Gemini.  Key word: closure.  Personal philosophies and communication functions bring you to take a hard look at how you speak your truth; Assess what is working in relationships and what is not.  Close doors needing closing so you are freer to be you. Speak your true feelings and needs for ultimately, the best relationships will result.

January 4, 2011—New Moon, or Solar Eclipse: 12-18 months influence … Key action: Opening doors
Via the Sun and Moon together in Capricorn in line with Earth. Good time for beginnings and moving ahead.
Ambitions to meet up with resources to lay foundations.  Be patient as time will need time.  Clarify those goals in very specific terms, refine each step along the way, speak only of what you want (avoid energizing your fears or what is not wanted by talking about such).  Words create images…what you image you create.  Move forward.

Tidy up those thought images and you will grow the life you want.

  1. January 7, 2011 at 12:55 am

    Look forward to seeing more of your blogs.

  2. Rosanne Powell (Lily's mom)
    January 9, 2011 at 1:55 pm

    Hey Dolores, OMG, now this is good info and I’m sure I’ve heard it before! Wouldn’t it be nice to turn on the tube and hear about great things people are doing? I read somewhere that “Nothing can happen but little by little”…so here ya go and thanks for you.

  3. Tim
    January 9, 2011 at 11:20 pm

    Hi Dolores…great way to enhance your message. Will be looking forward to reading your thoughts…your wisdom. (Sue is already in the bed but I’m sure she will comment tomorrow). Happy New Year!!

    • January 10, 2011 at 3:53 pm

      Thanks for taking the time to respond… so glad you see the potential. More to come thanks to 2 incredible, up-on-everything people mentoring me in social media. PS, I love your newish look.

  4. Brenda star walker
    January 10, 2011 at 11:43 am

    Beautiful! Thanx for this and here’s to a bright 2011. ~; )))

  5. Beth Acampora
    January 10, 2011 at 1:08 pm

    Yea!!! Glad to see you’re up and going. Mine’s there with nothing in it. I’m inspired.

  6. Sue
    January 13, 2011 at 1:58 pm

    What a wonderful and innovative way to share your wisdom and insights.

    Bravo dear friend.

  7. Meredith
    January 19, 2011 at 2:48 pm

    This is really great! That brain image is really striking! I look forward to reading many more posts from you!

  8. Scott
    February 4, 2011 at 9:34 am

    I smiled when reading, “Ambitions to meet up with resources to lay foundations.” You probably know that I take things too literally, but I went to a wrecking company to price cinder blocks two days ago. I’ll be building an art workshop behind my house over the next few months. Looks like it’s in the stars! 🙂

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